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Version: 3.26.x

Amazon CloudWatch

imgproxy can send its metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. To use this feature, do the following:

  1. Set the IMGPROXY_CLOUD_WATCH_SERVICE_NAME environment variable. imgproxy will use the value of this variable as a value for the ServiceName dimension.
  2. Set up the necessary credentials to grant access to CloudWatch.
  3. (optional) Specify the AWS region with IMGPROXY_CLOUD_WATCH_REGION or AWS_REGION. Default: us-west-1
  4. (optional) Set the IMGPROXY_CLOUD_WATCH_NAMESPACE environment variable to be the desired CloudWatch namespace. Default: imgproxy

imgproxy sends the following metrics to CloudWatch:

  • RequestsInProgress: the number of requests currently in progress
  • ImagesInProgress: the number of images currently in progress
  • WorkersUtilization, ConcurrencyUtilization: the percentage of imgproxy's workers utilization. Calculated as RequestsInProgress / IMGPROXY_WORKERS * 100
  • BufferSize: a summary of the download buffers sizes (in bytes)
  • BufferDefaultSize: calibrated default buffer size (in bytes)
  • BufferMaxSize: calibrated maximum buffer size (in bytes)
  • VipsMemory: libvips memory usage (in bytes)
  • VipsMaxMemory: libvips maximum memory usage (in bytes)
  • VipsAllocs: the number of active vips allocations

Set up credentials

There are three ways to specify your AWS credentials. The credentials need to have rights to write metrics to CloudWatch:

IAM Roles

If you're running imgproxy on an Amazon Web Services platform, you can use IAM roles to to get the security credentials to make calls to AWS CloudWatch.

Environment variables

You can specify an AWS Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key by setting the standard AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=my_access_key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=my_secret_key imgproxy

# same for Docker
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=my_access_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=my_secret_key -it darthsim/imgproxy

Shared credentials file

Alternatively, you can create the .aws/credentials file in your home directory with the following content:

aws_access_key_id = %access_key_id
aws_secret_access_key = %secret_access_key